
Brand Story

The LOGO of Xiamen Firestar Stone Machinery Co., Ltd. is designed by Mr. Liu Yongfu, the founder of our company. Above is a torch, and the following is the English name of Fu Qiao company. With the concerted efforts and care of all the staff of Fuqiao Company, it is sure that the spark can start a prairie fire. It also symbolizes that Fuqiao Company has contributed to the development of the stone machinery industry in China.

Copyright 2018 XIAMEN FIRESTAR Technical support:Xiamen bohua network co ltd 閩ICP備18008589號-1 TEL:0592-8886589
长汀县| 襄城县| 遂宁市| 东宁县| 九台市| 南投县| 黄冈市| 垦利县| 郯城县| 武汉市| 屯昌县| 资源县| 宕昌县| 潼关县| 滨海县| 胶南市| 湟源县| 西华县| 从江县| 自贡市| 桂平市| 治多县| 尼木县| 宜川县| 贺州市| 辽中县| 呈贡县| 龙口市| 上饶县| 镇赉县| 大埔县| 富川| 堆龙德庆县| 九寨沟县| 喀喇| 翁牛特旗| 南通市| 朝阳区| 筠连县| 常熟市| 宁国市|